Family Day

KONIKA XIX Semarang – Solo 2024 will kick off with a Fun Walk/Run 5K event, involving IDAI Members and their families with the theme “Proud to be a part of the IDAI Family“. This event will take place at Semarang City Hall (Balai Kota Semarang) on Sunday, 29 September 2024 morning.

Congress & Exhibition

KONIKA XIX will host an exhibition featuring the latest information, including cutting-edge technology, equipments for clinical management & research, as well as literatures from 29 September to 01 October 2024, at Padma Hotel, Semarang. The Exhibition Opening will take place on Sunday, 29 September 2024 noon.

Opening & Dinner

In welcoming the participants of KONIKA XIX Semarang – Solo 2024, the Organizing Committee will organize an opening ceremony with dinner on Sunday, 29 September 2024 evening. The Opening Ceremony & Dinner will provide an opportunity for all IDAI members to gather and reunite in this special occasion.

Welcome Messages

From the President of Indonesian Pediatric Society

Assalamualaikum wr.wb.

Greetings to all of us. Praise to God Almighty, for by His protection, all of us, fellow General Practitioners and Pediatricians will gather once again at the 19th National Congress of Indonesian Pediatrics Society (KONIKA XIX) in Semarang-Solo 2024.

As we are aware, this year’s KONIKA theme is “Ensuring Equal Access of Childcare in The Era of Society 5.0”. The Society 5.0 era is an era when technologies such as the internet, big data, and artificial intelligence are leveraged to enhance the quality of human life and solve social problems. In the realm of child healthcare, aimed at improving children’s health and well-being, we should integrate technology to provide smarter, more humane, and sustainable healthcare services.

In recent years, Indonesia has made progress in various fields, but there are still some areas where healthcare access remains unequal. According to UNICEF statistics in 2018, around 12 % of Indonesian children live below the poverty line. This disparity results in inadequate sanitation facilities, incomplete immunizations, lack of health insurance, malnutrition, limited access to basic education, and barriers to adequate healthcare services. To address these challenges, we must leverage technological advancements to overcome barriers to healthcare access. For instance, utilizing telemedicine, maximizing social media for disseminating crucial knowledge, particularly to expectant mothers, emphasizing the importance of preventive behaviors such as complete routine immunizations for children, exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months, regular visits to integrated health posts (Posyandu), providing nutritious and protein-rich complementary feeding for infants over six months. Aside from that, we must also ensure a comprehensive immunization coverage nationwide, good newborn screening practices, non-communicable disease management, and so forth. The ultimate goal is to cultivate long-term health among Indonesian children to ensure they become exceptional human resources in the future.

Hopefully the 19th National Congress of Indonesian Pediatric Society (KONIKA XIX Semarang-Solo 2024) brings forth advancements to empower us as General Practitioners and Pediatricians. Our role is crucial in enhancing child healthcare quality for their optimal growth and development.

I personally extend my gratitude to all participants who have actively engaged in the KONIKA XIX Semarang-Solo 2024. Hopefully, this event serves as a valuable platform for both Pediatricians and General Practitioners to expand their knowledge in child healthcare. Let us work together to ensure excellent healthcare services for our children.

Wassalamualaikum, Wr Wb

dr. Piprim Basarah Yanuarso, Sp.A(K)
President of Indonesia Pediatric Society

From the Chairman of Indonesian Pediatric Society – Central Java Chapter

Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

Dear Colleagues,

The 3rd KONIKA in Central Java is being held this time after it was first held in 1968 and the 9th in 1993. IDAI Central Java Branch is a branch of IDAI that has two Pediatric Specialist Education Institutes (IPDSA) located in Solo and Semarang. We deliberately held the pre-congress activities in Solo at the same time as the congress activities in Semarang with the hope that all IDAI members could learn more about the cultural and culinary diversity that exists in the Central Java region so that they could have a pleasant experience during the conference.

Bringing the theme “Ensuring Equal Access to Child Care in the Era of Society 5.0” really challenges us as the pediatrician profession to be able to transform health services in line with technological advances. In today’s rapidly evolving world, where technological advances are revolutionizing every aspect of our lives, it is important that we leverage these innovations to create positive change in healthcare delivery. One of the most pressing challenges we face as a nation is the high infant and child mortality rate, which can be significantly reduced with targeted interventions and increased access to quality health services.

We have the power to change the health conditions of the nation’s children and pave the way to a brighter and healthier future for future generations. It is hoped that the 19th KONIKA will provide benefits and enthusiasm to start this transformative journey together, with mutual synergy, determination and a shared vision for a healthier Indonesia for all.

We, all members of IDAI Central Java Branch, are very enthusiastic about welcoming the 19th KONIKA activities.

Ke Solo beli serabi, Ke semarang makan lumpia
Ayo datang bersilaturahmi, bersama keluarga kita ke KONIKA

Wassalamu’alaikum wr. Wb.

Dr. dr. Fitri Hartanto, Sp.A(K)
Chairman of Indonesian Pediatric Society – Central Java Chapter

From the Chairman of KONIKA XIX 2024

Dear Colleagues,

It is a great honour and pleasure to welcome you to this prestigious 19th Indonesian Congress of Pediatrics (KONIKA) 2024, organized by the Indonesian Pediatric Society – Central Java Branch, mandated by the National Board of the Indonesian Pediatric Society. The congress will be held from September 27th to October 1st, 2024, at the Harris & Swiss-Belinn Saripetojo Hotel, in Solo and the Padma Hotel in Semarang Central Java.

The theme of the 19th congress is “Ensuring Equal Access to Child Care in the Era of Society 5.0”. We offer pre-congress workshop, keynote speeches, plenary sessions, plenary symposia, parallel symposia, breakthrough symposia, lunch symposia, meet-the-experts sessions, free paper symposia, and poster sessions. This scientific congress provides pediatric professionals with a platform to advance their understanding of pediatric healthcare. We believe that all participants will be inspired to apply what they have learned in their daily practices.

We do hope that your visit to Solo and Semarang will be an unforgettable experience for you. Solo and Semarang offer various historically significant tourist destinations such as the Surakarta Palace, batik craft centers, Borobudur Temple, Gedong Songo, Sampoo Kong, and the Old Town of Semarang, also known as Little Netherlands. Additionally, there is a wide variety of delicious local cuisine in Solo and Semarang that is sure to tantalize your taste buds. It goes without saying that Solo and Semarang are rich in traditional culture, batik craftsmanship, Jepara teakwood carvings, and more.

On behalf of the Committee, I extend my best wishes for a fruitful and enjoyable congress. We eagerly anticipate your participation.

Warm regards,

dr. M. Supriatna, Sp.A(K)
Chairman of the Organizing Committee of KONIKA XIX 2024



    Abstract Submission Deadline
    31 July 2024

    Early Registration Deadline
    15 August 2024

    Opening Exhibition
    29 September 2024 Noon

    Registration Closing Deadline
    18 September 2024


    Family Day KONIKA XIX
    29 September 2024 Morning

    Opening Ceremony & Cultural Dinner
    29 September 2024 Evening

    Ladies Program
    30 September & 01 October 2024

    Pediatric Mid Challenge
    01 October 2024

Patron Sponsors & Exhibitors